Monday, December 31, 2012


My first novel, Amethyst, finally became a FREE Kindle Book!
This YA Paranormal romance/ urban fantasy has been free at Barnes & Noble,, iBooks, Kobo, and Diesel since October but was just made available for free at Amazon. It is the first book in the Guardian series.

The power of FREE at Amazon is truly amazing! In less than two weeks there have been 5401 downloads!! Now, if everyone I know, would tell everyone they know to download Amethyst, the possibilities are staggering....If you don't have a kindle, the book can still be downloaded for free onto a nook, Kobo, iPad, or eReader of some type.

A few tips that help an author's book be downloaded more times at Amazon:

1.  Leave a review and rating.

2. "Like" it on Amazon.

3. There are also "Tag Words" which can be found when you scroll down the product page on Amazon. If you take 10 seconds and place a checkmark in the tag boxes - it increases the books popularity by having it appear in other places on Amazon. For example, it will say Check the boxes next to the tags you consider relevant. So for Amethyst, you could check next to paranormal romance, fantasy, etc. etc. You can check 15 tags.
My second novel in the Guardian series, Linked, is available for $2.99. What has also been exciting is watching how many downloads this novel has had since Amethyst went free at Amazon.  Can you guess? Well.... the current winning number is one hundred and sixteen.
 A huge THANK YOU to everyone who has downloaded my books. Please keep passing the word around...Facebook and Twitter are great places to suggest Amethyst and Linked to your friends and family.  I will keep  you updated on downloads, because that has been soooo much fun to watch.
Just so you know, I am currently working on book three in the series. Target date of sometime in 2013 for the release!
Happy, Happy New Year! May 2013 bring you much joy and happiness!
Heather Bowhay